Nature Fresh Freeze Dryer

Rosinbomb's Line Of Freeze Dryers
with Honeycomb Technology

Our Nature Fresh Freeze Dryer
(coming soon)

Rosinbomb's Line Of Freeze Dryers with Honeycomb Technology
The Rosinbomb Nature Fresh Freeze Dryer is a groundbreaking product line that takes advantage of the significant growth in the fresh frozen and edible market consumers. It allows users to quickly freeze dry their flower, resulting in terpene-rich live extracts.

Rosinbomb plans to market this product to the mainstream market, with Harvest Right being the only significant competitor. However, Harvest Right seems complacent, and the Nature Fresh product has been developed to process more products in a smaller footprint at less cost. The Nature Fresh dryer is a game-changer for Rosinbomb, opening up a whole new market for the company.

This market has a projected value of 70 billion dollars by 2030, with the current value being at 36 billion dollars.(1)
While there has been no significant progress in the market until now, the NATURE FRESH Dryer is set to change that.

1 - Grand View Research link to article here

  • create


    Unique and patentable rack array (The Honey Comb) provides anincrease in processing volume of almost 50 percent over current products all in a smaller overall footprint.

    Rosinbomb has filed a provisional patent application for this design and utility and have established a prior art position

    Material per process: one pound

    Freeze Time: 16 Hours

  • Freeze Drying Capacity: 6 tray 990Sq. inch space

    110 volt outlet. At peak draw the freeze dryer draws about 15-16 amps, but on the average about 9.5 to 12 amps/hour.

    Stainless Steel and Fan System is Coated for Corrosion Resistance

    Dimensions 30" x 30" x 22"

    Solid state/UL/CE components

    3 Year Warranty

The Rosinbomb Rocket is a panini press for weed.

Andrew Tarantola - Engadget